
Transradial Cardiology


This treatment is used in patients who are experiencing signs of myocardial infarction like chest pain. Using a catheter, it is inserted through the radial artery present in the wrist to the heart to check blockages in the coronary artery. In the field of invasive cardiology, transradial cardiology has become a prominent name.

Requirements Before The Procedure

Before the procedure is carried out, certain tests are done which include:-

  • Cholesterol tests check the amount of cholesterol in the blood, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(also called bad cholesterol) that gets collected in the arteries and triglycerides.
  • Electrocardiogram that records the electrical activity of the heart to check arrhythmia(irregular heartbeat)
  • Blood tests to check glucose levels, fat, and cholesterol in the bloodstream
  • .
  • Stress tests in which the patient is engaged in vigorous activities to check the body's response to the strenuous exercises are the heart rate increases.
  • Cardiac imaging to obtain a live image of the heart and see for blockages or narrowed areas. MRI, echocardiogram, CT scan, help obtain a cross-sectional image of the heart. Tests like echocardiograms use sound waves to evaluate the conditions of heart muscles, blood vessels, and valves.
  • The process usually starts by giving a dose of anesthesia to the patient
  • Numbing medicine is injected into the area where the catheter will be inserted so that the patient does not feel any pain in that area
  • Using a needle to trace the artery(radial), a wire is inserted into it which goes all the way to the heart. With the help of the wire, a catheter is inserted which reaches the heart. After the wire is removed. The catheter then carries out the treatment based on the patient's condition. For example, if the patient's coronary arteries are blocked, then using a stent, helps open the blocked blood vessels.
  • After the procedure is done, the catheter is removed and pressure is applied to that area so that the bleeding stops.
Advantage OF Transradial Catheterization

Transradial cardiac catheterization has gained more popularity in India due to the advantage of this procedure is the complications of this treatment are very few. Since the treatment is done by inserting a catheter through the radial artery, the risks are few since the artery is small and can be easily compressed. For those who do not want to run the risk of experiencing pain and discomfort, patients usually prefer radial access catheterization over the femoral approach since during femoral catheterization, patients were not allowed to sit up and were experiencing discomfort(back pain). The radial approach was more comfortable since the patients were able to sit up and move around freely.

Disadvantages Of Transradial Catheterization

Before the procedure is carried out, certain tests are done which include:-

  • Blood clot
  • Bleeding since radial artery is located near the skin surface
  • Abnormal heart rhythms
  • Swelling around the area where the catheter is inserted
  • Damage to the blood vessel or nerve surrounding the insertion area.
Aftermath Of The Procedure

Before the procedure is carried out, certain tests are done which include:-

  • tests like echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, blood tests are done so that the specialists are able to analyze before and after results of the treatment
  • You might feel dizzy after the treatment. If severe pain is experienced, the specialists might give you certain painkillers.
  • Anticoagulants like warfarin or heparin might be given to you to prevent blood clots if an artery has been opened or a stent was inserted.
  • If your condition is stable or has been stabilized, you might be released soon.
  • Your duty does not end the moment you leave the hospital, you might have to take medicines, certain painkillers, and anticoagulants to prevent any severe pain, weakness, or blood clots.
  • You can continue engaging in your normal activities, but with caution. You might have to avoid engaging in vigorous activities which does not make your heart work harder. A proper diet that is less in cholesterol, table salt, and other saturated fats might be given to you which should be strictly followed.
  • You might have to engage in monthly tests so that the specialists keep a watch on your health, especially cardiac health.
  • Be mindful of the signs and symptoms after the procedure. You should ask your specialists about the results that are expected after the procedure, signs, and symptoms that might occur after the procedure.

Dr. Swapnil Mate's Cardiology clinic has a transradial cardiology team that can provide quality treatment to individuals. Their team, supervised by a senior cardiologist, work with modern devices to improve patient-provider relationship. We recommend you to contact Dr. Swapnil Mate for the best medical assistance.